Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We Are Young

Title:    We Are Young
Rating:    M - Mature
Author:    SilverSnikle
Characters:    Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Chloe Sullivan, Oliver Queen
Timeline:   Future Fic
Warnings:   N/A
Disclaimer:   Borrowed characters ... No affiliation to CW/WB, DC
Summary:   Clark made a mistake, and then finally moves on.
Feedback:   Oh, yes please! (I'm starving for some con/crit...)

Give me a second I
I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom
Getting higher than the Empire State

Clark rolled his eyes at Oliver. The man had ADD when it came to Chloe, especially when they were drinking. Thus, Clark ended up in situations like the current one, standing guard outside the woman's restroom while they...

Clark's attention was pulled away from his guard duties for a moment when a well dressed, neatly groomed man walked up to the bar across the room and stood next to Lois. A few moments later, the guy got his drink and disappeared into the crowd. Clark exhaled. He wasn't being jealous, or over protective. In fact, he was simply being cautious.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Obsessed Chapter 9

Title:    Obsessed
Rating:    PG
Author:    SilverSnikle
Pairing:    Clois - Clark & Lois
Timeline:   Season 9
Warnings:   Season 9 spoilers
Disclaimer:   Borrowed characters and some dialogue... No affiliation to CW/WB, DC
Summary:   Lois never went to the future. Since The Blur cut off communication, she's has a new obsession.

Feedback:   Oh, yes please!

Lois clicked the send button and pulled the zip drive free of her laptop. The story was complete and on it's way to final editing. She put the zip drive in her purse and grabbed her car keys. Time to make an appearance at work. If she were honest with herself, she just wanted to see Clark's smile. But when was Lois ever truly honest with herself? Never.

On the drive to Metropolis she had time to think. It seemed every song on the radio made her think about another aspect of her and Clark's developing relationship. She had been adamant about taking things slow, and she truly meant it. That didn't mean, however, that she wasn't wishing for time to speed up. She couldn't wait until enough time had passed that they were in that comfortable place. Although, the beginning was usually the most exciting part of a relationship. She frowned.