Sunday, October 20, 2013

Infringement - Chapter 4

Title:    Infringement
Series:    Infected
Rating:    T
Author:    SilverSnikle
Character:    Clark
Timeline:   Around 6 months afer Clark Luthor's Seventeenth Birthday
Warnings:   Luthor-verse
Disclaimer:   Borrowed characters and some dialogue... No affiliation to CW/WB, DC
Summary:   My take on Clark Luthor's descent into darkness. This story focuses on his relationship with Chloe Sullivan.

< Previous Chapter
1. ( tr ) to violate or break (a law, an agreement, etc)
2. ( intr; foll by  on or  upon ) to encroach or trespass

The sounds of the city filtered their way into his senses as Clark dusted off his hands and slowed to a stop in the alley next to the LuthorCorp building. His father would be expecting him, with an update. Clark's update would include positive execution of the morning’s plan. He smiled to himself as he walked out of the shadows and onto the sidewalk toward the skyscraper's front door.

Lionel saved enough money to support a third world country by employing his son as his strong-arm. Clark didn't get paid for his dirty work, but that was fine; he already had access to anything he could want. Not to mention his own loft, a few incredible sports cars, and invulnerability. Making or saving money certainly wasn't a high priority for him.

On the elevator ride to his father's office, Clark took a moment to check his phone. Two messages, one from each of his favorite ladies, occupied his screen. He smiled at the phone before slipping it back into his pocket. He'd call them once business was finished.